+256779030089 info@wabssafaris.com
Plot 856,Lweza Entebbe RdP.O Box 70366 Kampala,Uganda

Uganda Overview

Uganda sits on the equator and is 91,344 square miles in size Winston Churchill noted in his book My African journey, “ For magnificence, for variety of form and color, for profusion of brilliant life  plant, bird, insect, reptile, beast – for vast scale…Uganda is truly the Pearl Of Africa.”

Discover Uganda the Pearl of Africa

Sir Winston Churchill named Uganda ‘the pearl of Africa besides all the attractions and gifts of nature, its hospitable people who are welcoming.  Kampala the Capital City of Uganda is just 35km away from Entebbe International Airport. The capital is the busiest and biggest with a number of business with peace and stability as well as Uganda at large with a number of embassies.

The journey starts with the longest river in the world. (It was discovered by the first white john Speke) the source of the Nile which starts from Jinja which is also a tourist hub and home to White water rafting & Bungee Jumping in Uganda. Kampala the capital with a variety of sights seeing destinations right from the people, culture, political and nature as well.

Uwec zoo is the only zoo in the country and its a few minutes’ drive from the airport. The chimpanzee islands of Ngamba Sanctuary.

Murchison falls National Park with the strongest water falls in the world, Kibale forest which is also known for chimpanzees and the primate capital in Africa. With diversity in wildlife and nature of dense forests such as Mabira Rain Forest also known to have a good spot for the longest zip lining in Uganda.

Queen Elizabeth National Park and its kazinga channel with the highest concentration of hippos, the famous tree climbing lions, scenic craters and savannah plains. Uganda is also a birding haven in various parts of the country, other parks include Rwenzori Mountains also known as (Mountains of the moon) it is snowcapped throughout the year.

Lake Mburo which is a whisper of wilderness, Semuliki national park with its female hot springs, not forgetting remote Kidepo valley national park which is also a true wilderness for wildlife safaris.

With the second largest fresh water lake (Lake Victoria is found in Uganda) seen even on your arrival in Entebbe, the longest river (River Nile) in the whole world starts from Uganda. Think about the snowcapped mountains (Mountains of the Moon) on the equator.  Uganda is home more than half of the remaining world Mountain Gorillas. Uganda has 10 National parks blended with savannah Murchison Falls National Park being the largest and, oldest Park Forest, game reserves and dozens of national forest reserves like Mabira, Budongo and Maramagambo among others.

With a diverse and unique culture having more than 56 ethnic tribes with different cultures. Uganda’s population has about 40 million people with a number of Languages English being the official language, with Luganda and Swahili spoken although ugnada has about 50 different languages.  It’s also rich in history and it has very powerful kingdoms that very many years ago and these include Buganda and Bunyoro-Kitara that were powerful kingdoms before colonialism.

Geographically Uganda is in East Africa and it shares borders with South Sudan in the north, Kenya to the East, Lake Victoria to the South East, Tanzania to the South, Rwanda to the South West and Democratic Republic of Congo to the West. Kampala its Capital City is on the shores of Lake Victoria, and the White Nile flowing out of the Lake traverses much of the country. Uganda is located at time zone GMT+3.

Climatically Uganda has both wet and dry seasons that bring about warm and cold seasons. The temperature, usually ranging between 30       C in dry seasons and 22 C in the rainy seasons, some areas can be cool in some parts of the country as a result of high altitude. Mountain areas become much cooler and the spectacular top of Rwenzori Mountains covered by snow. There is usually heavy rain between March and May and between October and November.

The climate of Uganda is also known to be equatorial due to the difference in altitude and changing climate due certain factors, but climate has been changing during the current years as seasons shift.

In Uganda Electricity: 240 volts AC, 50Hz.


Uganda Accommodation range’s from hotels, residential, guest houses, apartments, safari lodges and camping ranging from luxury, Midrange and Budget. All client choices are catered for while on your visit to Uganda 

Your ultimate Tours & safaris experience

Uganda the pearl of Africa our mother land a destination one can think about on a bucket list.

More to discover is Ssese islands, Ngamba Island, Lake Bunyonyi & Mutanda, Mount Morungole, Mount Elgon one with the largest caldera in east Africa, Sipi falls in eastern Uganda.

Uganda Travel Guide
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